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I love to talk about UX!

I really enjoy speaking and presenting on User Experience, focusing on UX strategy and research. I’ve been a featured speaker at international conferences such as the UX Masterclass Conference and UX STRAT, as well as a co-organizer, curator, and panel moderator at events such as the World Information Architecture Day in Canada and San Francisco.


I have been a keynote speaker and presenter at various events, including the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Design Jam and Vancouver UX Awards. I have been a featured panelist on Design Vancouver and a guest speaker on the UX-Radio podcast. With a global perspective on UX, I’ve presented in India, Singapore, Poland, New Zealand, Canada, the USA, and Australia, covering topics such as UX strategy case studies, diary studies, mobile research techniques, and the Facebook Desirability Toolkit, which I developed for Meta.

Speaking Engagements


  • November 1, 2022: Featured speaker at UX Strategy Conference, UXSTRAT Asia, on "The Facebook Desirability Toolkit"in Singapore.

  • December 2020: Featured speaker at UX Masterclass Conference on "The Changing Faces of UX: Global perspectives" in India.

  • February 2020: Co-organizer, curator and panel moderator at 2020 WIAD San Francisco. World Information Architecture Day, held in San Francisco, USA.


  • February 2019: Featured guest on UX-Radio podcast, "Convincing Stakeholders Why UX Research Matters".

  • February 2019: Co-organizer, curator and panel moderator at 2019 WIAD San Francisco. World Information Architecture Day, held in San Francisco, USA.

  • June 2018: Speaker at the Pedagogical University of Cracow: Institute of Information Sciences, Information Architecture as an Academic Discipline Conference in Krakow, Poland.

  • February 2018: Keynote speaker at Canadian Institutes of Health Research Design Jam in Vancouver, BC.

  • February 2018: Co-organizer and panel moderator at 2018 World Information Architecture Day held in Vancouver, BC.

  • November 2017: Featured panelist at Design Vancouver | A Panel Discussion On Digital Design in Vancouver, BC.

  • November 2017: Presenter at Vancouver UX Awards in Vancouver, BC.

  • October 2017: Featured international speaker at UX New Zealand in Wellington, NZ.

  • May 2017: Featured speaker at Optimal Workshop Roadshow in Vancouver, BC.

  • March 2017: Speaker at IA Summit in Vancouver BC, presenting "Making Your Work More Human."

  • November 2016: Speaker at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver BC, presenting "Diary Studies".

  • October 2016: Speaker at Ladies that UX in Vancouver BC, presenting "Diary Studies".

  • February 2016: Special Guest at Google/XX-UX Vancouver, presenting on Women in UX.

  • February 2017: Co-organizer at 2017 World Information Architecture Day in Vancouver, BC.

  • September 2015: Speaker at Ladies that UX in Vancouver BC, presenting on Strategic UX.

  • March 2015: Speaker at Emily Carr University Design Department's Industry Speaker Night, presenting "Advice to New Graduates".

  • November 2014: Speaker at University of British Columbia, UBC Digital Content & Communications: UX Strategy in Vancouver, BC.

  • September 2014: Presenter at UX STRAT Conference in Boulder, Colorado, USA, presenting a UX Strategy Case Study.

  • February 2014: Speaker at Vancouver User Experience Meetup in Vancouver BC, presenting on UX Strategy.

  • February 2013: Speaker at Information Architecture Meetup Vancouver in Vancouver BC, presenting on IA for Mobile.

  • May 2012: Speaker at Vancouver User Experience Meetup in Vancouver BC, presenting on Mobile Research Techniques.

  • August 2010: Speaker at UX Australia, visioning workshop in Melbourne, Australia.

krispian at gmail dot com

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